


How old are you? I'm in high school. (Sorry to be vague! A lady never reveals her age.)

Why did you start a fashion blog? I've always loved fashion and playing dress up. I decided a few years ago that I truly have a "passion for fashion" and that I want to work in this industry as an adult. Being a teenager, there aren't a ton of ways to start getting involved, but starting a fashion blog seemed like a good way to get my foot in the door. I started this blog to practice and get some experience, but it has since become an outlet that I can use to express myself and my love for fashion.

Why did you name your blog Fashion Amour Forever? I love fashion and am obsessed with France and anything French. So Fashion Amour seemed like the perfect name (amour means "love" in French). However, that blog name and domain was already taken, so I added "Forever" to the end.

How many siblings do you have? Three! Two brothers and a sister.

Where do you live? The United States.

How tall are you? 5’ 4.5" (It's very important to emphasize that extra half inch. Otherwise I'd be average height.)

Is your hair color natural? Yes, it is 100% natural. I don't really do much with my hair (styling or coloring).

Do you have a YouTube channel? Yes! You can find it here.

What do you want to do when you grow up? I know that I want to work in a part of the fashion industry, but I'm not decided on which part yet. I'm interested in marketing and merchandising, styling, and fashion PR. I'd love to work for a fashion magazine or designer. As I learn more about the industry and gain more experience, I'll narrow down my preferences.

Where do you want to live after college? New York City.

If you could visit one place in the world, where would you go? Paris, the city of lights.

What are your favorite fashion blogs? Atlantic-PacificPink PeoniesTuula Vintage, and The Blonde Salad.

Where else can I find you? I'm on YouTubeTwitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TumblrBloglovin', and Google+. (Busy life, huh?)