
Style Spotlight: Olivia Palermo

Hi lovelies,

I want to share with you some of my favorite style moments from one of my biggest fashion icons, Olivia Palermo. Olivia's style is sophisticated, feminine, and very chic. She is known for her high-low mixing (for example, wearing Topshop with Hermès) and superb layering skills. Her looks always seem so effortless and flattering, and I really look up to her as a role model in the fashion world. Here are some of my favorite Olivia Palermo looks:

Rainy Day Style {photo from here}

NYC Street Style {I die for that vintage crocodile Hermès Jige clutch}

Pretty Pooch

A Great Color Scheme

Black, White, & Birkin Bag

Mixing Edgy {the killer jacket} with Dainty {those pointed pumps}

Furlicious {I love this look from head to toe}

Unless you look closely, you don't even realize she's wearing denim shorts!

These are some of my favorite looks by Olivia Palermo, but there are honestly too many great ones to put in one blog post. I will probably have to feature her in a Style Spotlight post again soon! I adore her and her style so much that I even have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to her. You can view it by clicking here

What do you think of Olivia Palermo's style? Let me know by leaving a comment!

Thanks for reading,

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photos used in this post. If I gave a link for a photo, it was from Olivia Palermo's blog/website. If I did not give a link, the photo was found on Google Images

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  1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment! I hope you continue to enjoy my blog. Your blog is wonderful!
    Best wishes,

  2. I used to think she's so overrated before, but I definitely love her style now! Great blog xo


    1. Her style is amazing! I'm obsessed with it. Thank you for commenting, and your blog is great! I can't believe you designed your own prom dress and your sketches are so good. I hope you continue to enjoy my blog.
      Best wishes,

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